The Serious Work of Play

The purpose of a workshop is not to surrender the responsibility of your journey to someone else or to shortcut enlightenment, the purpose of a workshop is to play.
Play is serious work for the soul:
Thenwhen Transformational Workshops take you out into the world and deep into yourself.
Play is serious work for the soul:
- Play puts the pieces together in new ways - a cardboard box becomes a spaceship or a tomb - "stuck" becomes "winter" or "waiting" or "flying ahead."
- Play cajoles us out of our comfort zone - we find ourselves singing acapella or finger painting and suddenly realize, "You do not have to be good."
- Play lets us try on different scripts. We learn the power of roles, of acting as if
- Play lifts our defenses and offers the delicious opportunity to surprise ourselves.
- We form connections with playmates that can last a lifetime
Thenwhen Transformational Workshops take you out into the world and deep into yourself.

Thenwhen offers six two day workshops each year. Openings are limited to 12 participants and activities vary at each session. Workshops are 20% poetry, storytelling and instruction, 40% activity and 40% process. Recent groups have:
- Created plaster masks
- Explored limitations and expansiveness with simple movements
- Cajoled the peaceful with improv
- Crafted emotional stain glass
- Built forts with found materials